A Bite From the Apple of Awesomeness – A Bit of Personal Cartoon History Found

About two years ago, my family and I bought a new house and started the tedious job of packing everything we own. As is sometimes the case, there were things that were packed in haste, just to get the job done. One of the items that was handled in this way was the very first … More A Bite From the Apple of Awesomeness – A Bit of Personal Cartoon History Found

Submitting Cartoons To Magazines – Bagging The Elephants (In Wall Street Parlance)

I occasionally get asked about submitting work to magazines – the process, the prospects, and the pay. I don’t claim to be an expert, but I’ve got some experience that I can share. First, the process. As an exercise in discipline and creative production, I try to develop a dozen good gag ideas a week. … More Submitting Cartoons To Magazines – Bagging The Elephants (In Wall Street Parlance)