Your Art Is Your Inventory – Put It To Work!

Over the years my art has evolved and expanded. When I first started out, I experimented with different styles and techniques until I found what worked best for me – a process which has taken years. The result was a large body of work suitable for a variety of uses and applications. Additionally, I’ve created … More Your Art Is Your Inventory – Put It To Work!

Time Management in Cartooning and Illustration

Here’s an instance of knowing what to do, but not consistently doing it. Since having “Spectickles” syndicated recently with Ink Bottle Syndicate, and having picked up a number of large circulation newspapers, my schedule has necessarily changed radically. In the past, I could write and draw my cartoons at a relatively leisure pace for the … More Time Management in Cartooning and Illustration


Ever wake up after a refreshing night’s sleep, stay in bed a little longer than usual, and think about how lucky we are to do what we do? That was this morning for me. My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was a brilliant sun seeping through the edges of the curtains. Then … More Gratitude

Cartooning Update

It’s been a challenging start to the New Year, with a series of events, both in and outside of cartooning, that have kept me insanely busy. While some opportunities fizzled out into nothingness, others have appeared seemingly from nowhere, and I guess that’s the nature of this business. I’m elated with the results of the … More Cartooning Update

Small Business Resources Available To Artists and Cartoonists

The business environment today is as challenging as ever, and those who have the courage to step into the arena and give self-employment a whirl need to be aware of the resources available to help them succeed. As artists and cartoonists, it may not seem like a natural place to look, but the Small Business … More Small Business Resources Available To Artists and Cartoonists