Your Art Is Your Inventory – Put It To Work!

Over the years my art has evolved and expanded. When I first started out, I experimented with different styles and techniques until I found what worked best for me – a process which has taken years. The result was a large body of work suitable for a variety of uses and applications. Additionally, I’ve created … More Your Art Is Your Inventory – Put It To Work!

“Spectickles” Available For Newspapers Daily And Weekly – Short And Sweet

Now that we’re really getting things rolling with “Spectickles” for syndication (might have some really big announcements to make soon – I’ll keep you posted!) I’d created a page on my website providing all the necessary information for newspaper editors, art directors, and companies interested in licensing “Spectickles” for their publications/products. There are a number … More “Spectickles” Available For Newspapers Daily And Weekly – Short And Sweet

Dealing With Rejection For Cartoonists and Artists

It happens to all of us, and its likely you’ve read at least something about the mountain of rejections that come with the territory as cartoonists and artists. But reading about it, and actually dealing with it are completely different things. That being said, I’m hoping this article will provide you with some mental strategies … More Dealing With Rejection For Cartoonists and Artists

Cartoon Syndication

In the world of cartooning, few things are perceived as ‘ultimate success’ more than syndication. Cartoon characters such as Garfield and Snoopy have woven their way into the national fabric, and made their creators wealthy beyond their wildest imaginations. Calvin and Hobbes have enjoyed an unparalleled level of success, and Calvin can still be seen desecrating the … More Cartoon Syndication