Cartooning Update

I haven’t been updating this blog nearly as much as I should have, but there’s a few exciting changes just around the corner. First, my new website is being completed by the exceptionally talented people at Digital Tap – I’m blown away by what they’ve put together. The new site launch should be sometime within … More Cartooning Update

Interview With Magazine Cartoonist Crowden Satz

Continuing this very enjoyable series of interviews with many of my favorite working cartoonists, here’s my conversation with magazine cartoonist extraordinaire Crowden Satz: 1.       Your background is in engineering education – at what point in your life did you realize you wanted to make cartooning your profession? My whole life I’ve been equally split between … More Interview With Magazine Cartoonist Crowden Satz

Interview With Fellow Ink Bottle Syndicate Cartoonist Brad Diller

Those who know me are very well aware of my absolute passion for cartooning. I’m still in awe of how my favorite cartoonists come up with their ideas and create their work. On my business cartoon website, I’ve created a page where I ask some of my contemporary favorites how they do the voodoo that … More Interview With Fellow Ink Bottle Syndicate Cartoonist Brad Diller

Interview With Fellow Cartoonist Dan Rosandich

As I’ve mentioned, I’m passionate about the art, history, business, and all things cartooning. In learning to be a cartoonist, I’ve had the great good fortune to meet a lot of extremely talented and experienced cartoonists whose generosity of time and knowledge has been an inspiration. I’ll be starting a series of interviews with some … More Interview With Fellow Cartoonist Dan Rosandich

Your Art Is Your Inventory – Put It To Work!

Over the years my art has evolved and expanded. When I first started out, I experimented with different styles and techniques until I found what worked best for me – a process which has taken years. The result was a large body of work suitable for a variety of uses and applications. Additionally, I’ve created … More Your Art Is Your Inventory – Put It To Work!

Time Management in Cartooning and Illustration

Here’s an instance of knowing what to do, but not consistently doing it. Since having “Spectickles” syndicated recently with Ink Bottle Syndicate, and having picked up a number of large circulation newspapers, my schedule has necessarily changed radically. In the past, I could write and draw my cartoons at a relatively leisure pace for the … More Time Management in Cartooning and Illustration

How I Create My “Percenters” Business Cartoons Part One

As a follow up to my “How I Create My “Spectickles” Cartoons” blog post, here’s how I create my “Percenters” business cartoons, broken up into two parts. The first part will be how I create them in the traditional, pen and paper analog way, followed up in a future separate entry on how I create … More How I Create My “Percenters” Business Cartoons Part One

Becoming An Artist/Illustator – Continuing The Journey

I started getting serious about cartooning when I returned from my last deployment in mid-2008. Since that time, there’s been a number of starts and stops, direction changes, mis-steps, arm-loads of rejections, and no shortage of disappointments. Balancing that, there’s been incredible opportunities, exceedingly pleasant surprises in the form of unforeseen offers, financial rewards, and … More Becoming An Artist/Illustator – Continuing The Journey