Design Design Licensing “Spectickles” Cartoons For Greeting Cards

I’ve been exceedingly fortunate to have been contacted by the good people at Design Design about using another one of my cartoons for their greeting card line – thank you! They’ve got a terrific line of wine related party products as well as greeting cards – check them out!

Writing For Cartoonists – A Game of Hide and Seek With the Muse

This is a question that comes up VERY frequently, both from cartoonists and non-cartoonists alike: where do I get my ideas or how do I write my gags. Some of the questions may be in the hope of recommending me for mental help or to keep me occupied long enough to check my head for … More Writing For Cartoonists – A Game of Hide and Seek With the Muse

A Bite From the Apple of Awesomeness – A Bit of Personal Cartoon History Found

About two years ago, my family and I bought a new house and started the tedious job of packing everything we own. As is sometimes the case, there were things that were packed in haste, just to get the job done. One of the items that was handled in this way was the very first … More A Bite From the Apple of Awesomeness – A Bit of Personal Cartoon History Found

The Bill Abbott Interview On Tall Tale Radio With Tom Racine

Just a brief update – I had the great pleasure to be interviewed by the host of my favorite cartooning podcast, Tom Racine of Tall Tale Radio. I had already been addicted to the interviews with my favorite cartoonists when Tom contacted me. I was thrilled and honored to participate. I have to admit, I’m … More The Bill Abbott Interview On Tall Tale Radio With Tom Racine


Ever wake up after a refreshing night’s sleep, stay in bed a little longer than usual, and think about how lucky we are to do what we do? That was this morning for me. My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was a brilliant sun seeping through the edges of the curtains. Then … More Gratitude

Publishing Rights For Cartoons and Illustrations

As mentioned in one of my earlier articles, I break down my cartoon business into two basic categories: licensing and publishing – that approach may not be suitable for everyone, but it works for me. A fellow cartoonist emailed me after reading the earlier article and asked about publishing rights. Again, for a more complete, … More Publishing Rights For Cartoons and Illustrations

Newest Cartoons

I’ve been burning the candle at both ends, in the middle, and at all points where flame should not reasonably be found to be burning a candle, but I’m pleased with the work I’ve been able to produce. Finding balance in life as a cartoonist can sometimes be challenging, but it’s worth the effort to remain … More Newest Cartoons