Your Art Is Your Inventory – Put It To Work!

Over the years my art has evolved and expanded. When I first started out, I experimented with different styles and techniques until I found what worked best for me – a process which has taken years. The result was a large body of work suitable for a variety of uses and applications. Additionally, I’ve created … More Your Art Is Your Inventory – Put It To Work!

Publishing Rights For Cartoons and Illustrations

As mentioned in one of my earlier articles, I break down my cartoon business into two basic categories: licensing and publishing – that approach may not be suitable for everyone, but it works for me. A fellow cartoonist emailed me after reading the earlier article and asked about publishing rights. Again, for a more complete, … More Publishing Rights For Cartoons and Illustrations

Submitting Art And Cartoons To Greeting Card Companies

I’m glad to see there’s fellow cartoonists and artists who appear to be benefitting from the previous articles I’ve written regarding licensing. To hone the topic down further and more specifically, I’ll describe how to identify, research, and submit artwork to greeting card companies. As in the previous articles on Cartoon Licensing and More About … More Submitting Art And Cartoons To Greeting Card Companies