The Cartooning Life

I suspect most of my fellow scribblers face the same issues I do – finding that ever-elusive balance between family, outside responsibilities, and the profession of cartooning. As with most creative endeavors, and this is just my opinion, you work best when the muse is with you, meaning that there are moments in your day when your creativity is at a peak. For me, it’s not the same every day, but most often early in the morning when all is quiet, and the first cup of java is working its caffienated magic. I seem to come up with more, higher quality gag ideas than at any other time of the day.

An important aspect that I believe is sometimes (it certainly has with me) been neglected, is taking the time to stay healthy. Recently, my wife and I have been going to the track for a jog, sometimes we’ll knock out a P90X workout, or I’ll get on the rowing machine and row my carcass for what seems like a trans-Atlantic crossing. But after the heart rate retuns to normal, and a hot shower has soothed fatigued muscles, it seems the quality of my work improves. I’m no doctor, but that’s the result I’m getting, and I’d recommend it for my fellow creatives. As cartoonists, we can sometimes get stuck in a very non-physical, sedentary rut, sitting at a desk all day trying to come up with the next gem of a gag, and we neglect other things.

Being a cartoonist is a gift for which I can’t help but feel enormously grateful. I love all aspects of the writing, the art, and even the business. That said, there’s also more to life, and it’s every bit as important as our chosen vocation. End of sermon – get back to work!

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